
This Telugu romantic comedy film “Aay” is a blend of comedy, love and social commentary that makes it an enjoyable watch. This movie which was directed by Anji Kanchipalli stars Narne Nithiin and Nayan Sarika in lead roles.

The film also entertains its audience through a good story, strong acting and the music that connects with people’s hearts. The technical aspects of the film including Ram Miriyala as music composer, Sameer Kalyani for cinematography, and Kodati Pavan Kalyan who did editing have also been appreciated by critics.

Vasu Bunny and Vidya Koppineedi produced the movie under GA2 pictures banner which was released on 15 august 2024 in theaters.

Release Date15 August 2024
Star CastNarne Nithiin, Nayan Sarika, Rajkumar Kasireddy, Ankith Koyya, Mime Gopi, Surabhi Prabhavathi
GenresComedy, Romantic
DirectorAnji K Maniputhra
ProducerBunny Vasu, Vidya Koppineedi
CinematographerSameer Kalyani
MusicAjay Arasada, Ram Miriyala
EditorKodati Pavan Kalyan
Production companyGA2 Pictures
aay movie

Plot summary

Narne Nithin plays Karthik who is a software engineer by day but has been working in Hyderbad for years now. Nayan Sarika portrays Pallavi who is young woman from their native place.

Cinematic Elements

The engrossing plot line isn’t the only reason why “Aay” became successful; rather it was also the technical elements employed in it. It’s music, cinematography, as well as editing combines to create an immersive experience for those who watch it.

Ram Miriyala’s Music

The tone within Aay is set through the music composed by Ram Miriyala. The soundtrack has catchy melodies combined with fast beat songs that illustrate different emotions within this movie. Each song is tailor-made to amplify emotional complexity of specific scenes accompanied by them.

Miriyala’s tunes are both appealing yet meaningful featuring lyrics that resonate with audiences. Music does more than boost storytelling since it becomes a channel through which character express how they feel inside themselves or even deal with their struggles before they get satisfaction after listening a love song as in AAY or dancing on their feet by peppy numbers.

Sameer Kalyani’s Cinematography

Sameer Kalyani’s cinematography brings out visual storytelling in “Aay”. In capturing Pasarlapudilanka’s calm beauty against the energetic Hyderabad atmosphere, Kalyani aptly complements setting of the film. His lighting, color as well as camera angles all combine to produce visually stunning shots.

Kalyani pays keen attention to details while framing his subjects and their backgrounds to create remarkably visual narrative that supports storyline. The cinematography used in Aay does more than just enhance what is seen because it also deepens the audience’s connection with characters and their journey.

Kodati Pavan Kalyan’s Editing in Aay

Editing plays a crucial role in every movie and Kodati Pavan Kalyan did an exemplary job on “Aay”. The movie’s editing ensures that audiences stay connected throughout by allowing the story line to flow smoothly without any ambiguities. Kalyan doesn’t interfere much with the storytelling process but allows it to take its natural course at its own pace.

The comedic timing of this film is enhanced by editing thus ensuring that humor is placed exactly where it should be for maximum entertainment. By balancing out different components of plot, Kalyan’s editing makes this movie coherent and impactful.


The performances are one of “Aay”’s strong points, with each actor playing a memorable role throughout the whole duration of the film.

Among them is Narne Nithiin who acts Karthik’s part excellently. This is why Karthik can be considered relatable since he has some kind of natural charisma which make him feel real while watching from camera. Thereby, Nithiin appropriately depicts Karthik’s vivacity even as he develops his personality through various episodes in this film.

Nithiin’s chemistry with other actors, particularly Nayan Sarika, contributes effectively towards the romance angle of the film. His performance as Karthik is appealing and nuanced that makes him a character who the audience can identify with without much struggle.


Nayan Sarika’s interpretation of Pallavi is also remarkable. She provides a multi-dimensional portrayal of a character who oscillates between her personal desires and societal expectations. Through her performance, Sarika captures effectively Pallavi’s internal conflict thus making her an identifiable personality.

Sarika brings in strength alongside weakness that heightens the emotional content of the film. The conversations she has with Nithiin are full of tension and chemistry, which propel this narrative about love.



What is the release date of the Aay?

Aay movie was released in theatres on 15 August 2024.

Who directed the movie Aay?

The movie has been directed by Anji K Maniputhra

Who is in the cast of Aay?

Narne Nithiin, Nayan Sarika, Rajkumar Kasireddy, Ankith Koyya, Mime Gopi, Surabhi Prabhavathi

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