
‘Purushothamudu’ is an upcoming romantic action Telugu film that is poised to engage the audience through its exciting storyline, talent in the cast and impressive production values. This movie directed by Ram Bhimana stars Raj Tarun and Hasini Sudhir as the main protagonists supported by a great ensemble of actors.

Gopi Sundar has composed music for this film, PG Vinda handled cinematography while Marthand K Venkatesh edited it together with Dr. Ramesh Tejawat and Prakash Tejawat producing under Shree Sridevi Productions banner.

The film will hit screens in 2024 and make its significant contribution to Telugu cinema.

Release Date19 July 2024
Star CastRaj Tarun, Hassini Sudhir, Brahmanandam Kanneganti, Ramya Krishnan, Prakash Raj, Murli Sharma, Brahmaji, Raj Tirandasu, Viran Muttamsetty
GenresAction, Drama, Romantic
DirectorRom Bhimana
CinematographerVinda PG
MusicGopi Sundar
ProducerRamesh Tejawat, Prakash Tejawat
EditorMarthand K Venkatesh
Production companyShree Sridevi Productions
Purushothamudu movie

The Plot and Genre

‘Purushothamudu’, a romantic action entertainer combines two most popular genres to come up with a vibrant entertaining piece of work. Though we are not given much about the story, it is expected to weave love stories with actions which will seek to ignite emotions in every viewer’s heart.

This combination will attract every viewer since it gives room to both romance lovers as well as those who enjoy watching actions.

All brought alive by lead casts ‘Purushothamudu’ revolves around characters that have been sketched artistically by directors. In this case Raj Tarun and Hasini Sudhir play central couple whose love story becomes what this movie revolves around chemistry wise, there on stage performance will determine whether the narrative keeps moving forward or not.

These supporting roles played by experienced actors like Ramya Krishna, Prakash Raj and Murali Sharma bring depth into narrative making it more worth reading.

The Cast

‘Purushothamudu’ stars Raj Tarun as the male protagonist in his usual style, a versatile character with a lot of charm. His ability to demonstrate different emotions is his only key that can make him as relatable and engaging as possible.

At this point however, his female co-star Hasini Sudhir seems very promising since she brings a touch of freshness and vibrancy in her role. This couple’s on-screen chemistry is expectedly something to look forward to.

Supporting Cast

The movie also has an impressive supporting cast comprising some of the most respected names in the Telugu film industry:

Ramya Krishna, an actress with a distinguished career, has been known for strong performances by critics. Her being included in ‘Purushothamudu’ will add depth to it.

Prakash Raj is recognized for acting brilliantly in all kinds of movies; hence his appearance is considered to be another notable performance.

Murali Sharma’s remarkable roles have made him one of the celebrated actors who appears in this film.

Brahmanandam, a legendary comedian whose timing and humor are considered legendary will ensure there are light moments in this film.

Mukesh Khanna, Brahmaji, Viran Muttamsetty, Satya , Praveen , Raja Ravindra , Racha Ravi – Each of these actors bring their unique individuality all contributing towards a vast range of characters.


The music for this film was composed by Gopi Sundar, well-known music composer. He is known for creating touching music which would go hand in hand with Puri Jagannadh’s concept of blending romance into action sequences.


The visual beauty of “Purushothamudu” is in the hands of PG Vinda whose talent lies in capturing breathtaking visuals and creating immersive viewing experience. Therefore, his work will be instrumental in bringing alive the diverse environments and intense action scenes of the movie.


Marthand K Venkatesh ensures a seamless pacing and narrative flow in the movie as a veteran editor. Hence, his editing skills are essential in maintaining rhythm of the film, thereby ensuring that there is a good balance between romantic as well as action components.


Shree Sridevi Productions’ Dr. Ramesh Tejawat and Prakash Tejawat have produced ‘Purushothamudu’. Their commitment for high quality movies-making is evident from production values and talented cast assembled for the project.

The production house has thus ensured that every facet of this film meets high standards, with prospects of memorable cinematic experience.

Release Date

The film release date is 26 July 2024. Telugu cinema enthusiasts await for ‘Purushothamudu’ which promises to be one of those films that people cannot wait to watch given its interesting mix between romance and action along with its acting crew.

It is anticipated by Telugu cinema fans to be an extraordinary movie this year when it hits theaters.

Anticipation and Expectations

Upon announcement, “Purushothamudu” created a buzz amongst audience’s anticipation was high too. Those who have much hope about these genres such as romance combined with actions have put their hopes very high due to brilliant actors together with experienced technicians on board.

Therefore Raj Tarun fans and audience who like Hasini Sudhir are particularly looking forward to watching them portray different characters.


‘Purushothamudu’ has the potential to revolutionize Telugu cinema. The film is expected to set new benchmarks in terms of storytelling and technical excellence given its high production values and involvement of well-known industry professionals.

Additionally, it can also be appealing to a wider audience beyond their fans because it has universal themes and an engaging story line.

So, “Purushothamudu” is becoming the hottest movie of 2024. With this blend, talented actors and highly skilled technical crew, that promises a satisfying and memorable cinematic experience.

Leading up to the release date the anticipation is getting even stronger while viewers are eagerly waiting for this romantic action entertainer on big screens.



What is the release date of the Purushothamudu?

Purushothamudu movie is set to release in theatres on 26 July 2024.

Who directed the movie Purushothamudu?

The movie has been directed by Rom Bhimana.

Who is in the cast of Purushothamudu?

Raj Tarun, Hassini Sudhir, Brahmanandam Kanneganti, Ramya Krishnan, Prakash Raj, Murli Sharma, Brahmaji, Raj Tirandasu, Viran Muttamsetty

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